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Essay On Water For Students

essay on water
Water is life

Short essay on water 


Water is life. No living being can survive without water. It is believed that the earth is the only planet having water in it. The earth is said as the blue planet. It is because 75 percent of the area is covered with water. The earth looks blue from the space. That's why it is known as the blue planet. This is the main factor for life on planet earth. Water is a very common thing. It is known to everyone in this world. It is vital for the existence of plants and animals. The water is vital for human beings too. It is very necessary for the growth of any living being. Without water, nobody can keep in life. That's why there is a saying that "Water is life".
It is true.
           According to scientist water is composed of two kinds of gaseous substance one is oxygen and the other one is hydrogen. The scientific formula of water is H2O. Scientifically it is the combination of 2 hydrogen molecules and 1 oxygen molecule. We know this when we pass electricity through the water in a beaker.

Test of water

Generally, we find two types of water, such as sweet and saline (salty). The taste of the water of oceans and most of the natural lakes are salty. The groundwater is sweet, and it is drinkable water. Most of the water is saline only a few percentages of water are sweet. The 75 percent area of planet earth is covered with the water.
           But our of 75 percent only 2.5 percent of water is drinking water. Most of the drinking water is in the form of groundwater. The taste of water is originally sweet. It becomes saltish when it contacts the mineral salts while flowing and passing through the land.

Source of water

          To be specific water is only obtained from two main sources such as rain and ice. Most of the drinking water present on the earth is in the form of ice. During the rainy season, clouds rain a lot of water, this is the process of condensation. This is a cyclic process. During the months of the summer season, ice melts on the mountain and flows downward.

Reservoirs and carriers of water

          There are two types of reservoirs. One is natural reservoirs and the other is artificial reservoirs. The artificial reservoirs are men made reservoirs. This mane mad reservoir is made for the purpose of storage and conservation of water. The Lakes, seas, ponds, and oceans are the natural reservoirs of water.
         There is a constant flow of water in the streams and rivers. These are the natural carrier of water. The water of streams and rivers is clean and fresh. People get water generally from ponds, wells, rivers, and canals. Well, and ponds are also made to procure water for the need.

Use of water

           There are various uses of water. The water is used for many purposes such as drinking, cooking, washing and doing all the daily activities. We use water in farming and gardening. Water is also used in seasoning the bamboo and coir and softening the jute-stick. Nowadays water is used to generate electricity. It is one of the most advance use of water.


           The water is very necessary for a living being. There are some bad aspects of water too, It is a carrier of epidemics and endemics. The waterborne disease spread like wildfire. Therefore we should drink clean water. We should dring either boiled water or filtered water. Distilled water may be taken if possible.

Essay On Water For Students Essay On Water For Students Reviewed by @ashish on March 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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