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Essay On Health Is Wealth For Students

essay on health is wealth
Yoga image of a girl

Short essay on health is wealth


Health is the real wealth. Health is freedom from disease and sickness. Health doesn't mean the only body but it means both body and mind. Without good health and a healthy mind, we cannot do any work.
           Bad health always lets us live an unhealthy life, as a result, we can not able to improve in our life. So, one should have to healthy in his life. So, health should be the primary concern for every one of us. we need to aware of health and wellbeing.

Health is the best wealth

          Health is really the best wealth. It is better than anything in the world, nothing can replace health. It is much better than valuable ornaments like diamonds and gold. You may have the millions or you may have vast property. But if you have no health, all the things are of no use to you. You cannot enjoy your good deeds.
           On the contrary, you will suffer a lot from physical pain as well as mental pain which leads you to suffer from many problems. You can not able to work and cannot earn anything. If you have good health, you can accumulate a lot of wealth and knowledge. Health is the mother of happiness. So, health is the best wealth. We should know the importance of good health.

How to keep health well

           Keeping our health is not a hard job. It requires self-control and discipline. To become healthy, we should obey the laws of hygiene. We need to take a close look at certain elements of our life in order to live a healthy life. And remember this healthy life leads to a wealthy life. Food is an important element in keeping our health good, we should take good food daily. Second is the exercise, we should do regular exercise and take sufficient rest and sleep. Yoga can be another important exercise we can do in the morning.
          These days yoga is too much popular. The third one is neat and clean, it is one of the most important elements. We ought to always conscious about cleanliness and neatness. Breathing good air and daily exposure to morning sunlight is another important thing. We should maintain punctuality and do small exercises of the mind to keep the mind healthy. These two are primary conditions for good health. We need to take care of all these elements in our to stay healthy. Hence, we should eat healthy food and a balanced diet.

          Every day we should take exercise in the morning and evening. We should obey these regularly otherwise we may not get any benefit. We need to keep ourselves and our surroundings neat and clean and also encourage others to do so. Peace of mind is another important condition to keep our health good. So, we should not worry about small things in life. Labour must be followed by rest. There is an old saying--

   Early to bed and early to rise
   makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

            Waking up daily in the morning helps in keeping our mind energetic. Therefore we should wake up early in the morning and do some physical exercise. And if possible we should take a small nap in the evening. Sleep reduces our stress level so we should take a power nap of 15-20 minutes if possible in the work time.


            So, health is the best wealth. But most of us do not realize it, we wake up late in the morning and don't exercise. Hygiene is taught in the class but nobody follows the principles of hygiene. Hence, we are open prey to many kinds of diseases. However, it is hoped that they will soon understand our mistakes and will give up our dirty habits.

Essay On Health Is Wealth For Students Essay On Health Is Wealth For Students Reviewed by @ashish on March 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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