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Essay On Cleanliness For Students

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Short essay on cleanliness


Cleanliness is one of the good qualities. It is a part of our civilization. we all know that a man of dirty habits can not be a civilized one. He is too far from civilization. So, with the progress of civilization man must learn the importance of cleanliness. He should clean himself more and more and maintain hygiene.
           He should clean his mind and heart. He should clean all his actions and manners. He should clean his soul. This will help him to achieve the tag- most intelligent animal on the planet and lead him to the highest form of civilization. Hence, cleanliness is considered so important.

Usefulness of cleanliness

          If we clean our bodies and limbs we will be free from many kinds of diseases. We should cook our food in the clean pots. Fresh food cooked in the clean pot, and served in clean dishes will keep us healthy and happy. If we clean our bodies regularly, we can keep diseases away from us and can make our complexion brighter. We will look fit, smart and energetic. If we wear a clean dress our mind will be happy.
          Cleanliness gives us a cheerful mind. We are more interested to write on a clean sheet than on a dirty one. Hence, we write more and better. We like to read clean books, So, we can able to concentrate more and understand better. So, cleanliness improves our lives and brings momentum for us in all activities and in all spheres of life. Cleanliness of body and mind leads us to the door of the divine. Hence, there is a saying.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

How to keep clean

           To keep ourselves clean is not a one day job. We need to perform it daily. In order to keep ourselves neat and clean, we should do certain things daily. The most important task is to take daily care of ourselves. We should clean our articles which we are using daily, our dwellings and surroundings. We should also encourage our neighbors to take part in cleaning activities. We should properly brush our teeth daily and if possible twice a day once in the morning and once before going to bed. Besides, we should clean our mouth and hand properly with the mouthwash and handwash respectively before and after each meal.

           We need to wash our body two times a day with soap water, it will remove germs from our body. We should clean our cloth with the help of detergent every day at the time of the bath. We should sweep our house twice in a day, once in the morning and once in the evening to clean all dirt.
           We should remove the filth and rubbish into a pit, dugout at a distance for this purpose. We should wash our beddings on a regular basis and lay them exposed to bright sun and fresh air. We should look at the proper drainage and sanitation work of our house and the surrounding. We should wash our house with Phenyl daily and should clean furniture with proper washing elements once a week. We should advise our neighbors to be neat and clean. Because we can't be perfectly clean if our neighbors are dirty.
           We should wash our latrines and urinals every day with Dettol and Phenyl. We should get our hair, mustache, and beard cut on a regular basis. We should also pare our nails at proper intervals. These are some important methods to keep ourselves neat and clean.


            It is really a matter of sorrow that most of the people are dirty. It is very painful when we see that they are lazy to keep themselves neat and clean. Though they are educated about cleanliness and read science and hygiene. To make our countrymen neat and clean we should put ideals in the public institution. Recently the Swach Bharat movement has some impact. But we need more such movement to and discipline to keep ourselves and our country clean. So, we should learn to keep ourselves clean regularly.

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Essay On Cleanliness For Students Essay On Cleanliness For Students Reviewed by @ashish on March 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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