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What is an essay ?

what is an essay and how to write it
Writing an essay

An Essay is a statement of thought and imagination, wit and emotion, knowledge and wisdom, work and experience. This statement is not at random but in an orderly manner. It is divided into many points and paragraphs.

Introduction of an Essay:

Every essay should have a beginning paragraph called the introduction, the introduction of an essay leads to the subject-matter.

Conclusion of an Essay:

Every essay should have a concluding paragraph. The conclusion may sum up the main ideas present in the essay or it may bear the hipe or apprehension of the writer.

Kinds of Essays:

Broadly, there are three kinds of essays, such as:

(I) Narrative

 A narrative essay is a narration of a fact or an event in which the order of the paragraph follows the order of time. Such essays, for example, are "A visit to an exhibition", "A walk by the riverside", "How I spent the last Puja holidays" and so on'.


A descriptive essay is a description of some places, person or thing, such essays, for example, are "An Indian bazaar", "My favorite hobby", "A rainy day", "Your school", " A village-fair" and so on'.


A reflective essay deals with the topics of abstract nature, Such essays, for example, are- Punctuality, Discipline and so on.

On essay-writing:

  1.  Essays should be written in a neat and clean manner. Hence, they should be written on clean sheets of paper. There should not be any blot or scratch.
  2.  The handwriting should be clear and legible.
  3.  Essays should be written in a well-ordered way and every paragraph should be written to the point.
What is an essay ? What is an essay ? Reviewed by @ashish on February 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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