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How To Write An Essay ?

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Writing Essay

Here are the steps to write an essay

(I)  As a first step, a good essayist must be a person of a wide range of information. This is derived from personal observation as well as from the study of what he finds around him. A beginning must be made by using his creative minds. An eager eye and a craving curiously will enable him to pick up a variety of information. But these are raw-materials-- to be put into shape by an active mind.

(II) The second step is to acquire what is known as style. A good vocabulary is an asset. One must have not only to command over words but also their synonyms and antonyms. Here again, extensive reading of books will be fund to be very helpful.

(III) But a good essayist must aim at acquiring excellence of style. This again comes with regular and improvised practice in writing as well as familiarity with the master-pieces of literary style. The essay is the highest form of English prose and a self-estimation of the subject knowledge for the literary faculties.

General Instructions

(i) Give your essay a tidy appearance; so that the examiner's first impression may be pleasant. Your hand-writing should be clear and easily read. Bad hand-writing causes unnecessary irritation to the examiner and his evaluation is bound to be adversely affected.

(ii) Put a one-third margin to your left. For this, it is best to take a pencil and a ruler. The question number should be clearly indicated in the margin.

(iii) Put space between paragraphs. The beginning of a paragraph should is the most important section of the essay, it should be clearly indicated as is done in printed books.

(iii) Leave sufficient space between lines for any further grammatical corrections and change of any word. When you wish to replace a word, strike through it very neatly, and put your correction above it in clear hand-writing.

(iv) Always keep a blotting-paper under your writing hand. Use it to avoid smudges, ink-stains, etc.; these spoil the look of your essay.

(v) Never begin an essay on a page in which you have done some rough work.

Also See:- What is an essay

How To Write An Essay ? How To Write An Essay ? Reviewed by @ashish on February 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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